Merry Christmas.
Hello guys! Merry christmas to everyone!♥
Did you have a nice christmas? What did you get up to? It would be so cool if you would comment or write to me where in the world you are right now and what you have done for christmas in that country/city! Hit me up with all your answers! :)
I was working a night shift the 23rd which meant that I came home at 8 in the morning yesterday, I woke Simon up and we opened some of our christmas gifts that we had under the tree. It was a super cozy morning and then obviosly I went to bed to sleep away half of the day, haha. But when I woke up I got ready and went to the beach to meet up with Simon who had been working for lunch. We had a nice moment there and then headed home to open more gifts and to get ready for a night with the italian people!
We spent the rest of the evening/night at his job together with his collegues and his boss, and their families. We were eating lots of tasty food and drank wine. It was a really lovely eveing with these people and also fun to get to know the people Simon is spending his days with at work! A lovely christmas! This morning I woke up and heard lots of people by the pool playing christmas songs, and here in Tenerife they celebrate christmas today so I went down to the pool and there was a santa hos gave all the kids presents and everyone were happy!
I got back inside just now to make myself some food, and then take a nap cause I am working a night shift again tonight. I start at 19.00 and work until 07.00, a lot of hours but the time goes by pretty fast so it is totally fine! It's just nice to get a nap before sometimes!
I am just ranting on about stuff because I feel like I haven't been writing so much lately. Life has been too busy, which I know is a good thing rather than bad.
I am just ranting on about stuff because I feel like I haven't been writing so much lately. Life has been too busy, which I know is a good thing rather than bad.