Moving from Sunshine coast to Melbourne felt amazing, and freezing.
Me and Amanda apparently decided to move to Melbourne yesterday. We sat on a café two days ago in Sunshine coast and just said "alright, so let's move to Melbourne tomorrow". We booked a flight ticket and then we had two beautiful days with Amy and Sakara before we left. They're such nice people. We stayed in their guest room the last night and it was so cozy. We also had a taco nigh that evening! Cozycozy.
So right now I am sitting at WORK. I am actually back to my old job that I had here in melbourne before I left. The first day has been really good so far. And the city life is nice. We have got no clue of how long we are going to stay here, it can be either two weeks or lots longer than that. Time will tell. I am so happy to have Amanda with me here in Australia now. All the adventures are a million times better with her by my side. And I also met my brother up on the coast but he decided to stay there until he is going to start travel the coast with a friend of his.
Anyway, the moment I saw Amanda and Robin time just stopped and everything felt fine. And it still does. One person is missing from my life right now though. One person that has been everything to me for quite a bit. I know that he is well, and that he is having a good time (even though he's not used to the city life anymore). But he is the kind of person who will always be okay. And if not: I'll be here. I promise. Every day. Maybe we'll see eachother in New Zealand, or maybe in Italy. Who knows. Time will tell again.
Alright, so this was just an update about what is going on really. And I am really well. I hope that you are too. Lots of love.