Wow. I realize that life has been hectic when I haven't written anything for almost 2 months. Anyway. A million things has happened since last time. I was going to start my farmwork, 88 days of strawberrypicking. Then I changed my mind. And changed my mind again. So here I am, 17 days into strawberrypicking. I lived on a hostel for about 6 weeks before me and my friends decided to move up on the mountain in the rainforest. We were all settled in here, happy to be out from that hostel that everyone started to dislike so much. Two days in to our time in the new house our friends car broke down on the motorway. The engine is completely broken. That was the only car we had and we really needed it to go to work. We managed to borrow a car of some friends, but we could'nt use that one the first day we needed it. And it was not a good car to drive. Would probably brake down any second. So we decided to rent a car - and fingers crossed - nothing has happened yet and nothing probably will.
So anyway. Everyday is filled with strawberrypicking, workout, yoga and meditation.
I miss home. I miss Amanda, my parents, grandma and granpa, my siblings. Somedays more than others but most of the time more. Maybe life thought that I had too much fun for too long, so decided to give me a big challenge, I don't know. But it is a bit much now. I just want to breathe. Relax. Live.
At least I have the best people around me. People that make me smile. People that understand. I don't know how to thank them. But I will. I really will.
I can't believe that it's already August. I have almost been in Australia for a year. I can't believe that I have done this. I can't believe it. Seriosly. That I left everything I had built up for so long. But it has been the best decision of my life. And I can't wait until the 3rd of October now. That's the only thing I think about.
Anyway, the guys will be back from work really soon so I'm gonna clean up a little bit in the house, go for a jog and then drink some icetea with my feet in the swimmingpool. Oh, lovely days. I must appreciate them.
From when my friends had a gig at taps bar.