21th burfday.
So it is already the 22nd of August. Wow. Again. Usually I celebrate this day with my family and the friends I have known for so many years. Most of the time in a combination with a poolparty at my parents place. I missed the poolparty this year, but that's okay. I hope I'll be there next year to see everyone. Oh, I miss them so much.
Anyway, this year, on my 21st birthday I am in Australia. In the pineapple apartment, with a pineapple t-shirt and pineapple friends. With an icecream cake and some cinnamon tea for breakfast. Goodmorning, world. I hope you are okay. I am okay, also. Hanging in there. Getting better. Cause life isn't too bad after all, is it? I have said it so many times but it is easy to forget - everything is what we make it, so why not make it good?
So much has happened and changed in my life since this time last year. I have never ever before had so many changes in a year. It has been ups and downs. I have been at the top so many times and then down at the bottom. It has really been like a rollercoaster. Last time this year I was in my house, having a birthday party. It was one of the best days ever. Lots of games, good food and the best people. Pineapple and coconut gifts was all over the table. But it was also really, really sad. Cause we all knew that it wasn't going to be long until I was going to leave. "Gone surfing" it said on the sign that my sister gave me and we cried so much. And then smiles again. Laughter. Oh. What a lovely day that was. I have never missed Sweden as much as I do now.
Anyway, so far today has been a good day. Really relaxed cause I'm not really well at the moment. I have had company by my Italians and the icecream cake was really good. Tonight I might go to a bbq with some people. And oh, it is so much happiness around them. Otherwise I might go to be boat and have a chilled night with some icecream and music. Maybe I'll do both of these things, we will see. Until then I'm going to do laundry (yaaay) and then probably drink some wine.
Back to business. I hope that you all are well. x

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